
Checkout a few of my works

Data Science

A Model for Estimating Bike Lane Demand

A project that splits the roads of a city into several sections and estimates the need of a bike lane, where there is high risk of bike accidents and existence of businesses.

Used tools : Python (Pandas, NumPy,, Geocodio (an Online Geocoder), Tableau, Javascript

Datasets : North Carolina Bike Crash dataset, Yelp Businesses dataset

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Big Data

Querying data in Apache Spark

Queries executed in Apache Spark, with a dataset containing several tweets pulled from the Twitter API.

Used tools : Apache Spark, Spark Dataframes, RDDs and Datasets

Dataset : Streamed Twitter Data

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Computer Vision

Building a finger controllable Virtual Mouse

This is a simple project implemented using Python's OpenCV library that detects green blocks and implements them as a virtual mouse.

Used tools : Python (OpenCV, NumPy, pynput)

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Neural Networks

Facial feature Recognition using MATLAB Neural Networks

A Facial Recognition project using MATLAB's Neural nets. Facial images have been gathered from AT&T's Database of Faces.

Used tools : MATLAB's Deep Learning Toolbox

Dataset : ATT Database of Faces

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Enhancing Databases' Efficiency

Serializability and Recoverability Classifier

A project that generates random transaction histories for a database and then recognizes them if those transactions are Serializable and/or Recoverable.

Used tools : Python (NumPy, Itertools)

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